Relief and Comfort

Anal Sacculectomy for Pets

This means removing one or two of your pet’s anal glands.If your pet is undergoing anal sacculectomy due to repeated infections or has a diagnosed tumour, surgery will involve removal of one or both anal sacs. The skin is cut on either side, next to the anus, the anal sac(s) are removed, and the ducts tied off. Generally, internal dissolvable stitches are placed to close the wound. All surgeries carry some inherent risk of infection and wound complications. Additionally, if the nerve to the anal sphincter has been affected there is a very low risk of faecal incontinence. To help keep the stools soft post operatively, we recommend adding Metamucil or Coloxyl to their diet to help soften the faeces. You will also need to give all medications, including antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications, as prescribed after surgery. An Elizabethan collar must be worn.